Government Opinion Pieces

Operation Vulindlela is opening the path to growth

Dear Fellow South African,

The South African economy, like any other economy, cannot function, let alone grow, without efficient…

The workers have spoken and we must listen

Dear Fellow South African,

Two days ago, South Africa’s workers joined millions across the globe in marking Workers Day, also known as May…

There is light at the end of the Load Shedding tunnel

Dear Fellow South African, 

Last week much of the country experienced load shedding as breakdowns at several of Eskom’s power…

Fight crime, not migrants

Dear Fellow South African,  

Twenty-five years ago, our new democratic Constitution came into effect. In adopting this Constitution, we affirmed our…

Improved tax revenue supports recovery and growth

Dear Fellow South African, 

Last week, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) announced in its preliminary tax revenue…

The 26 of March 2022 marked the two-year anniversary since I publicly announced that the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF), an entity of the Department of Employment and Labour, established the…

Investment commitments reveal a diverse and transforming economy

Dear Fellow South African,

Last week we held our fourth South Africa Investment Conference as part of our…

South Africa takes a massive digital leap forward

Dear Fellow South African,

Last week, government concluded the auction of high demand spectrum for mobile telecommunications. This…

Special tribunal is showing that crime does not pay

Dear Fellow South African,

During the Presidential Imbizo in Mahikeng over the past weekend, several citizens raised concerns…

Resolution of conflict in Ukraine must be durable and lasting Dear Fellow South African,In a world where far too many disputes between and within countries are settled through the barrel of a…

Dear Fellow South African,

Last week, Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana presented a Budget that supports and reinforces the programme of action I announced in the State of the Nation…

This year marks the 25th year of our constitution coming into effect, and there is no better way to celebrate than by bearing witness to the effective and deliberate affirmation of section 179 of…

Job Creation needs both a developmental state and a vibrant private sector

Dear Fellow South African,As we work to grow our economy and create employment, there is much debate about the…

Good Governance is essential for Peace and Prosperity

Dear Fellow South African,Over the past weekend, at the 35th African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government, South Africa’s…

New laws strengthen the fight against Gender-Based ViolenceDear Fellow South African,Late last year, I received a letter from a group of concerned citizens calling on the government to protect the…

Dear Fellow South African,Science and innovation vital for our economic recoveryAs the country strives to recover from the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing science and innovation…

Dear Fellow South African,As South Africa entered the new year, we were confronted by two profound events that reminded us, in different ways, of what brings us together as a people.On the first…

Dear Fellow South African,As the country heads into a fourth wave of COVID-19 infections, we are experiencing a rate of infections that we have not seen since the pandemic started. The Omicron…

Dear Fellow South African, If a nation’s character can be judged by how it treats women and children, then we are falling desperately short.   A week before the launch of the…

Dear Fellow South African, If a nation’s character can be judged by how it treats women and children, then we are falling desperately short.   A week before the launch of the…