Government Opinion Pieces

Ibhalwe ngu-Dkt. N Nala

Abantu abaningi baseNingizimu Afrika bahlale benemigubho, kungaba ukunqoba kwezwe lonke njengokunqoba iNdebe Yomhlaba Yebhola Lombhoxo, noma ukunqoba komuntu…

E kwadilwe ke Ngaka N Nala

MaAforika Borwa ka bontsi ba rata meletlo, e ka tswa e le ya go keteka go fenya Sejana sa Lefatshe sa Metshameko ya Rakabi, kgotsa ya go keteka go falola…

Ibhalwe ngu Gill Price

Ukuqhubela phambili intando yeningi labantu kanye nesizwe sakithi, kufanele siqede ngokucwasana ngazo zonke izindlela, lokho okufaka phakathi ukucwaswa kwabantu…

By Gill Price

To move our democracy and nation forward, we must eliminate discrimination on all grounds, including discrimination against people with mental illnesses which should be…

Nga Dokotela vho N Nala

Vhunzhi ha vhadzulapo vha shango ḽa Afrika Tshipembe ndi vhathu vhane vha takalela u pembela, hu nga vha u pembelela gundo ḽa lushaka u fana na u thuba Tshiphuga…

By Michael Currin

South Africa is known to be a resilient nation. Time after time, we have persevered against the odds and have emerged stronger no matter the situation. As a nation, we…

Dear Fellow South African, The fight against illegal mining is seeing results. Last week, the Ministers in government’s Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster reported on significant…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Iningi lethu lingaxoxa indaba ngothisha ababe negalelo ekuguquleni izimpilo zethu. Labo thisha abasifundisanga nje kuphela eklasini kodwa basifundisa ukuziphatha okuhle…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Most of us have stories about a teacher or teachers who have had a great influence in our lives. These teachers not only taught us in class but were instrumental in…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Ba bantsi ba rona go na le dilo di le dintsi tse ba ka di buang ka morutabana kgotsa barutabana ba ba kileng ba nna le seabe se se botlhokwa mo matshelong a bona.…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Throughout our history, organised South African women have proven to be a force to be reckoned with by rising above painful circumstances and empowering themselves to…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

E nngwe ya dilo tse di botlhokwa tse re ithutileng tsona mo nakong ya leroborobo la COVID-19 ke gore botshelo bo botlhokwa thata e bile ga go motho yo a…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

U bva tshe ha thoma muvhuso washu wa demokirasi, tshiṅwe tsha tshipikwa tshi hulwane tsha lushaka lwashu ho vha u alusa tswikelo kha muthu muṅwe na muṅwe, nga maanḓa kha…

Dear Fellow South African,  In the last few months, there has been much discussion in South Africa about AGOA, which stands for the African Growth and Opportunity Act. The Act was passed by the…

By Nomonde MnukwaSince the dawn of our democracy, one of our nation’s priorities have been increasing accessibility for everyone, especially vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities.…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Iṅwe ya ngudo khulwanesa ye ra i guda u bva kha dwadze ḽa Khoronavairasi ndi ya uri vhutshilo ndi ha ndeme nahone sa vhathu a ro ngo sikwa nga nḓila ine ra kona u tshila…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Selokhu izwe laqala ukubuswa ngokwentando yeningi labantu, enye yezinto eziseqhulwini zesizwe ngukwenyusa izinga lokufinyelela kwizinsizakalo kuwowonke umuntu,…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

One of the greatest lessons we can take from the COVID-19 pandemic is that life is precious and that we were never designed to live in a state of complete isolation or…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

a e sale temokerasi ya rona e simolola, e nngwe ya dintlha tse di botlhokwa mo setšhabeng sa rona e ntse e le go dira gore batho botlhe ba fitlhelele ditšhono,…

By Nomonde Mnukwa

Okunye okukhulu esingakufunda kubhubhane lwe-COVID-19 ngukuthi impilo iyigugu nokuthi sasingadalelwanga ukuphila ngokuqhelelana nabanye abantu noma ngabodwana.