Government programmes, projects and campaigns

Government programmes on employment, economic issues, etc.  This is not an exhaustive list - for more information visit the departmental websites and read the latest South Africa Yearbook.

Safety & security
Economic growth & employment
Skills development
Rural development
Human settlements
Local government
International relations
Public sector
Social protection
Nation-building & social cohesion
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Programme of Action

Government's Programme of Action reflects its strategic plan for the 2014-2019 electoral term, the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF). The MTSF is the first five-year implementation phase of the National Development Plan (NDP). It is structured around 14 priority outcomes which cover the focus areas identified in the NDP and Government’s electoral mandate: education, health, safety and security, economic growth and employment, skills development, infrastructure, rural development, human settlements, local government, environment, international relations, public sector, social protection, nation-building and social cohesion.

Operation Phakisa was designed to fast-track the implementation of solutions on critical development issues. This is a unique initiative to address issues highlighted in the NDP such as unemployment and poverty.


Outcome 1: Education

  • Early Grade Reading Programme - aims to improve learner’s reading proficiency levels in the foundation phase. Interventions in the foundation phase have the most significant impact on learning outcomes in the long term
  • Student Sponsorship Programme - assists academically distinguished learners to realise their potential during their high school years with scholarships and bursaries
  • Early Childhood Development - a comprehensive approach to programmes and policies for children from birth to nine years of age.
  • Health Promotion - aims to create a healthy school environment by promoting the general health and wellbeing of learners and educators, and by addressing key health and social barriers to learning in order to promote effective teaching and learning
  • Kha ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign - teaches adults to read and write.
  • National School Nutrition Programme - aims to enhance the learning capacity of learners through the provision of a healthy meal at schools
  • Funza Lushaka Bursary Programme  - provides bursaries to prospective teachers.


Outcome 2: Health


Outcome 3: Safety and security


Outcome 4: Economic growth and employment

  • the dtic provides financial support to qualifying companies in various sectors of the economy. Financial support is offered for various economic activities, including manufacturing, business competitiveness, export development and market access, as well as foreign direct investment.
  • Finance for small businesses
  • RSA Retail Savings Bonds - government developed these bonds to encourage the public to start saving.
  • Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) - provides poverty and income relief through temporary work for the unemployed. EPWP includes the Home-Based Community Care and Food for Waste Programmes.
  • Community Work Programme - aims to create one million work opportunities by the 2018/19 financial year, covering all local municipalities.
  • Local Economic Development (LED) is an approach towards economic development which allows and encourages local people to work together to achieve sustainable economic growth and development thereby bringing economic benefits and improved quality of life for all residents in a local municipal area.
  • Youth Build is a community based National Youth Service programme that offers volunteers a comprehensive programme that integrates academic achievement, work experience, social action, leadership development, and personal transformation in a single project.


Outcome 5: Skills


Outcome 6: Infrastructure


Outcome 7: Rural development


Outcome 8: Human settlements


Outcome 9: Local government

  • Back-to-Basics is a programme devised to build and strengthen the capability and accountability of municipalities.


Outcome 10: Environment

  • Green Fund - focuses on innovative projects that require financing to cover funding gaps
  • Working for Water - eradicates invasive alien vegetation to conserve water and the environment.
  • Working on Fire - job-creation programme focusing on implementing Integrated Fire Management
  • Working for the Coast - deals with some of the challenges in line with the Integrated Coastal Management Act
  • Working for Wetlands uses wetland rehabilitation as a vehicle for job creation, skills development, and the wise use of wetlands.
  • Oceans economy (Operation Phakisa) - to unlock the potential of our country’s vast coastline.
  • Youth Jobs in Waste - focuses on landfill operation and management, planning administration relating to waste collection and planning and undertaking waste awareness campaigns


Outcome 11: International relations

South Africa has relations within southern Africa, on the continent of Africa and in the world.


Outcome 12: Public service

  • Batho Pele - the Batho Pele principles were developed to guide government employees in their work with the public.
  • Disaster management - The National Disaster Management Centre ensures integrated institutional capacity for disaster risk management.
  • Centre for Public Service Innovation nurtures innovation in the public sector.
  • Access to information - The Promotion of Access to Information Act 2000 (PAIA) guarantees the public access to information that is not classified secret.


Outcome 13: Social protection


Outcome 14: Nation-building and social cohesion


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