KwaZulu-Natal convenes Provincial Economic Council Summit to discuss economic recovery plan, 29 to 30 Apr

Business, Labour, Government and Civil Society representatives, will come under one roof over two days to discuss the rollout of KwaZulu-Natal’s Economic Recovery and Transformation Plan.

These social partners will convene on Thursday and Friday under the banner of the KZN Economic Council Summit. The meeting will culminate in the signing of a social compact committing all the partners to specific tasks relating to the recovery of 15 sectors of the provincial economy.

This forms part of the provincial government’s effort to mobilise society behind the economic recovery plan which seeks to reverse the devastation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The meeting will be held under the hybrid model (physical and virtual), where about 80 representatives will be part of the physical meeting to take place at the ICC while more than 150 others will join virtually.

Premier Sihle Zikalala will deliver the keynote address where he will outline the economic recovery plans, the state of the provincial economy and the key areas for growth. The gathering will be held as follows:

Date: 29-30 April 2021
Time: 9h00
Venue: ICC (Durban)

Other speeches will be delivered by representatives of organised business, labour unions and civil society formations.

Media is invited to cover the open sessions on both days.

For media enquiries, contact:
Lennox Mabaso
Cell: 082 884 2403

Bheki Mbanjwa
Cell: 060 968 2417


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