Change names on geographical names list

Geographical names are names of features on earth that are natural or manmade and adapted. These features may be populated or unpopulated.

Geographical names that fall within the jurisdiction of local government include streets, municipal buildings and squares, local parks and cemeteries, and privately owned buildings. Geographical names that fall within the scope of national government include towns, suburbs, human settlements, post offices, stations, airports, harbours and highways, as well as natural landforms such as mountains, streams, rivers, bays, points, islands, wetlands and national parks.

Who may apply for a name approval?

All government departments, provincial governments, local authorities, the South African Post Office (SAPO), property developers, or any other body or person.

For more information go to the South African Geographical Names Council

Find out more about applying to change names on the South African Geographical Names Council Database or contact the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture on 012 441 3255 / 3000.


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