Integrated School Health Programme

The Departments of Basic Education and Health jointly implemented the ISHP that will extend, over time, the coverage of school health services to all leaners in primary and secondary schools.

Its strategic objectives are to:

  • increase knowledge and awareness of health-promoting behaviours
  • develop systems for the mainstreaming of care and support for teaching and learning
  • increase sexual and reproductive health knowledge, skills and decision-making among learners, educators and school support staff
  • facilitate early identification and treatment of health barriers to learning
  • increase knowledge and awareness of health
  • promoting behaviours.

The programme offers a comprehensive and integrated package of services, including sexual and reproductive health services for older learners. The Health Services Package for the ISHP includes a large component of health education for each of the four school phases (such as how to lead a healthy lifestyle and drug and substance abuse awareness), health screening (such as screening for vision, hearing, oral health and TB) and onsite services such as deworming and immunisation). The ISHP services contribute to the health and well-being of learners by screening them for health barriers to learning.

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