Teaching and learning started on the first minute of the first hour on the first day of schooling at Indala High in Richmond

Members of parliament, councillors, amakhosi, education officials and other stakeholders, led by MEC for Finance, Ms Ina Cronje, who were monitoring the state of readiness on the first day of teaching and learning at uMgungundlovu District were pleased to find out that it was all systems go to schools that they visited in Richmond today.

Speaking at Indaka High school which is the first school which was visited by her entourage, MEC Cronjé said “It is encouraging to see some improvement in the results of the school judging from where it comes from. The school was really a malfunctioning school in years gone by, now at list it is a functioning school and that is the beginning. I truly have high hope for the future of the school. The good thing is that text books, stationary, teachers and learners are here, teaching and learning commenced on time. However we are encouraging parents, councillors to encourage learners to adhere with coming to school on the first day of schooling” said MEC Cronjé.

The local Inkosi of Esiphahleni, Ms Lindiwe Dlamini 082 626 7145, said “This area is flooded with drug abuse and teenage pregnancy, but this visit by members of parliament is encouraging us because we see that members of parliament care to understand the challenges that we going through at the grass root level. It is also encouraging to see the learner support material being delivered on time. We know that through education our youth will be developed for better and will get away from the streets” she said

Also in the team was Democratic Alliance, Cllr Tom Stokes 078 300 9617, who said “this parliamentary programme aimed at monitoring school’s preparedness is crucial for politicians to better understand and diagnose the core problems that rural schools in particular, experience and way in which we can assist them in improving the general management of schools” he said.

This team made unannounced school visits to three schools in Richmond at uMngungundlovu District today and those were Indala High, Indaleni Primary and Richlea Primary. The visits will continue until Friday in Lions River, Elandskop and uMshwathi.


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