President Jacob Zuma announces electrification programme

President Jacob Zuma announced during the State of the Nation Address on 12 February 2015 that the electrification programmes would continue, and mentioned that there were still an additional 3.4 million households awaiting electricity and announced municipalities that are to benefit from the electrification programme.

The details of the municipalities that would receive infrastructure support are as follows:

Amathole District Municipality has been allocated R138,4 million to electrify 7 936 households.

Umzinyathi District Municipality has been allocated R118 million to electrify 6 930 households. To date a total of R118 million has been transferred and 2365 households have been connected. An additional provision of R209 million has been made for the 2015/16 financial year for households electrification and bulk infrastructure.

Alfred Nzo District Municipality has been allocated R191,3 million to electrify 4 688 households. To date a total of R148 million has been transferred and 2 399 households have been connected. A provisional allocation of R30 million has been made for the 2015/16 financial year for households electrification and bulk infrastructure.

Lukhanji Municipality received R6,7 million for electrification. The infrastructure projects have been completed. An additional allocation of R4,5 million has been made for the 2015/16 financial year for the electrification of houses. 

OR Tambo District Municipality has been allocated R300 million for the electrification of 12 192 households. Houses not connected to the grid will be connected using solar home systems. A total of 2365 households connections have been connected. An additional provision of R357,5 million has been made for the 2015/16 financial year.

Mac Maharaj
Cell: 079 879 3203

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