Premier Senzo Mchunu on Dr John Langalibalele Dube memorial lecture

KZN Premier says politicians and civil servants must be sensitive

KwaZulu-Natal Premier Senzo Mchunu has called on civil servants and all elected public representatives to be sensitive and be responsive to the needs of the people. He was speaking during the Memorial Lecture of Dr John Langalibalele Dube, the first president of the ruling party, the African National Congress in Inanda, Durban.

Dr Dube was born on the 11th February 1871 and died on the 11th February 1946. Importantly, the first president of a democratic South Africa Tata Nelson Mandela was released from prison on the 11th February 1990.

“We salute the two leaders for their commitment to the principles of fairness, honesty, integrity and humble service to the people of this country. Dr John Dube was a man of high professionalism and discipline who pursued his many endeavours diligently. He was selfless and put the needs of others before his. The ethos of selfless service to our people must inspire all of us as we strive to make a difference in the people’s lives.”

“Both Dr John Dube and Tata Nelson Mandela shared a vision of a carrying government which listens and acts with speed in addressing the needs of the citizens. When Tata Madiba voted in the first democratic elections on the 27th April 1994 he ushered in a new era of hope.”

“Therefore, we must all be reminded that the people who voted us into office voted because they had hope for a better future. By voting, they were exercising their democratic right which Dr John Dube and Tata Madiba worked so hard to achieve. We thus need to continuously remind ourselves that this freedom belongs to the ordinary people of our country and it is them who must taste the fruits of freedom in a manner that changes their lives for the better.”

“It is therefore up to our civil service cadres and elected public representatives to raise the standard of service. We owe it the loyal citizens to work even harder for the betterment of their lives. We reassure the people of KwaZulu-Natal that all members of cabinet have committed themselves to building a team of motivated civil servants who are willing to work as a collective to improve the lives of all our people. I, in turn as Premier of the Province, I remain committed to oversee and ensure that the provincial government delivers as expected by the citizenry.”

Ndabezinhle Sibiya
Cell: 082 375 4742


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