Message of condolences from KwaZulu-Natal Premier Dr. Zweli Mkhize

It is with a deep sense of sadness that we have learnt of the death of six members of the South African Air Force and five passengers following the crash of a military aircraft in Drankesburg, KwaZulu-Natal Province.

Although no amount of words can best express our deepest sympathies to the families for the pain and irreparable loss of loved ones, on behalf of the KZN Provincial Government I take this opportunity to pass our sincerest condolences to the families, relatives and all their next of kin, including their colleagues at the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).

Also, we want to offer our unwavering support to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, the Chief of the SANDF, General Solly Shoke, and the Chief of the Air Force Lt-Gen Zimpande Msimang during this difficult period.

Ndabezinhle Sibiya
Spokesperson for Premier Zweli Mkhize
Cell: 082 375 4742


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