Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986

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95 of 1986

The Sectional Titles Act 95 of 1986 intends:

  • to provide for the division of buildings into sections and common property and for the acquisition of separate ownership in sections coupled with joint ownership in common property;
  • the control of certain incidents attaching to separate ownership in sections and joint ownership in common property; 
  • the transfer of ownership of sections and the registration of sectional mortgage bonds over, and real rights in, sections; 
  • the conferring and registration of rights in, and the disposal of, common property;
  • the establishment of bodies corporate to control common property and for that purpose to apply rules; and
  • the establishment of a sectional titles regulation board; and
  • to provide for incidental matters.


1 June 1988



The Southern African Legal Information Institute provides a complete amended Act at [Updated to 5 January 2023]

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