Women targeted at shebeens for rape - North West Acting Premier Elisha

North West Acting Premier Raymond Elisha has called on women to consider carefully places they go to for entertainment and their safety when they leave such places as trends indicate that most perpetrators of sexual violence target women who are from shebeens and or pubs. This follows the arrest of man for raping a 33 year-old woman in Koster over the weekend.

In condemning the alleged rape incident, Elisha urged real men to stand up to be counted against the scourge of rape by supporting the one million signature Anti-rape campaign launched by Premier Thandi Modise in partnership with the National Interfaith Council of South Africa(NICSA-North West Chapter).

According to police, the victim was on her way home from a tavern in Bodigelo Section near Koster at around 02h30 on Friday when she notices that a man was following her.

The man then allegedly stuck the woman’s head with a stone and forced her to a nearby stadium where he raped her and thereafter took her home where he raped her again.

The woman came forward to the police after the incident and the 36-year-old suspect was subsequently arrested. He is due to appear in the Koster Magistrate's Court today to answer to charges of assault, abduction and rape.

Lesiba Moses Kgwele (Spokesperson)
Tel: 018 388 3705
Cell: 083 629 1987
Fax: 018 388 3157
E-mail: LKgwele@gmail.com


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