South Africa on crisis in Gulf Region

South Africa is concerned about crisis in Gulf Region

The South African Government has noted the decision of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and several other countries to sever diplomatic and other ties with the State of Qatar.

The SA Government also notes that the Gulf region is very important for world trade especially energy as well as regional peace and stability.

We strongly believe that there can be no substitute for dialogue and we thus call on the parties involved to commit to a peaceful resolution of the situation.

The SA Government supports the efforts by the State of Kuwait and other countries that have already initiated a mediation process between the countries involved.

We support all efforts by countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arab League that are seeking to mediate a peaceful resolution.

The South African Government will also throw its weight behind the mediation process.

We call on all sisterly states of the Region to resolve their differences through constructive engagement and give dialogue a chance.

South Africa is confident that all parties are keen to ensure that the region is returned to peace, stability and cordial relations as soon as possible.

Clayson Monyela
Cell: 082 884 5974

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