Road Traffic Management Corporation condemns assault on traffic officer in Nigel

The Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) condemns the bully boy antics of a man who assaulted a senior traffic officer outside the Dunnottar Primary School in Nigel on Monday.

The incident happened when the traffic officer, who has been identified as Chief Superintendent JL Mbele, tried to issue a traffic fine to a man who had parked his vehicle on the wrong side of the road.

In a video doing the rounds on social media, the unknown man is seen shoving the metro officer to the ground and then dragging him, while some of the pupils and parents cheer him on. 

The Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Police has  reported that the officer was traumatised and is recovering after the incident.

The RTMC believes that the behaviour of the man - believed to be a parent at the school - is unacceptable, disrespectful and undermined the human dignity of the traffic officer who was merely doing his job.

We hope that the courts will deal harshly with this man to send a clear message that law enforcement officers are not to be impeded or undermined in any manner during the execution of their duties.

Members of the public are reminded that law enforcement officers are also human and have basic human rights that must be respected like everyone else.

It is also most disturbing to note some members of the public looked on and others cheered while the incident happened.

Members of the public are reminded that officers are there for their protection and the community should resist the temptation to show bullies that they approve of their unbecoming conduct.

Simon Zwane (RTMC)
Cell: 082 551 9892
Tel: 012 999 5200

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