Premier Supra Mahumapelo hands over houses to Mogale family

The Mogale family celebrates their new homes to soothe pain

Delight coupled with celebrations was brought back to the family of Mogale after the devastating shack fire which claimed the lives of six family members few months ago. Two breaking new grounds houses were handed over to the family by Bokone Bophirima Premier Supra Mahumapelo, as a promise fulfilled after their shack was reduced to ashes. Premier Mahumapelo was accompanied by MEC Galaletsang Gaolaolwe, Mayor of Tswaing Kgomotso Malwane and the local chief Kgosi Jeff Molete.

When handing over Premier Mahumapelo indicated that a promise to build two houses for the family, which was made before the election was not a political stunt to get votes but a promise to fulfil government responsibility.

“As government we must continue to do our work even when we are at the eve of elections. Some people thought that they have seen the last of us when we promised decent shelter, security and comfort to the family.”

Mahumapelo continued that “as the Bokone Bophirima provincial government we are happy that we have delivered the houses which will make your lives easier” remarked Mahumapelo. 

The unemployed Piet Mogale (66) and Oromeng Mogale (54) who are surviving on social grants were staying in a four roomed shack together with their children and grandchildren. The shack was reduced to ashes allegedly after one of the family members left the candle burning and the paraffin stove on, before going to sleep. Five children aged from 8 to 23 years died in the incident. A three year old grandchild survived the incident but days later died after succumbing to severe burn wounds at Gelukspan Hospital.

The horrific incident was forgotten and joy filled their spirits as they were preparing to move into their new homes. Mariah Kelaotswe (49) who is the daughter to Piet and Oromeng Mogale said:”I can’t begin to express my happiness, I’m out of words. I’ve never thought in my life that my family will own a house with services such as electricity. With these two houses government has really transformed our lives”.  

MEC for Local Government and Human Settlements Galaletsang Gaolaolwe said: “the provincial government will continue touch the lives of communities in impoverished rural communities and restore their dignity through housing development. We will also make a difference by providing the necessary assistance to needy families”. 

Ben Bole
Departmental Spokesperson
Cell: 071 566 1399

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