Minister Susan Shabangu launches 2017 Women’s Month, 1 Aug

Minister Shabangu to launch Women’s Month

Minister in the Presidency Responsible for Women, Hon. Susan Shabangu, invites members of the media to a media briefing of the official launch of 2017 Women’s Month.

This year’s Women’s Day will be held in Galeshewe Stadium in Kimberley, Northern Cape. The 2017 Women’s Month will be celebrated under the theme: “The Year of OR Tambo: Women united in moving South Africa forward.  

“We commemorate Women’s Month in August as a tribute to more than 20 000 women who marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 in protest against the extension of pass laws to women.

The 2017 commemoration takes place against a backdrop of heinous murders of women and children, we call on all faith based organisations, civil society formations, media and every South African to join hands with government in the fight against the scourge of gender based violence”, said Minister Susan Shabangu.

Members of the media are invited to the media briefing as follows:
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2017
Time: 9h00
Venue: Tshedimosetso House, Cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria

NB! There will be a video link to Imbizo Media Centre, 120 Plein Street, Parliament, Cape Town

RSVPs & enquiries:
Peter Mbelengwa 
Cell: 082 611 8197

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