Minister Susan Shabangu hosts five Techno-Girls beneficiaries

Minister Shabangu hosts Techno Girls beneficiaries sponsored with R1.2 million bursary

Minister in the Presidency Responsible for Women, Hon. Susan Shabangu hosted five Techno-Girls beneficiaries who are currently studying engineering degrees at various tertiary institutions. These students come from underprivileged schools throughout South Africa.

The aim of the meeting was to afford the Minister an opportunity to interact with the students as part of the mandate of the Department of Women to advance women’s socio-economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality through mainstreaming and advocacy.

The five are part of a group of 20 students who are sponsored by Techno Girl Trust, an organisation whose objective is to enhance the participation of young women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The meeting was also an opportunity for multinational company, Reckitt Benckiser, who sponsor Techno Girl to extend a debt of gratitude to the Minister for her work. It was as a consequence of an earlier Techno Girl event that hosted Minister Shabangu and the United Nations Children Fund, that the company was inspired to sponsor the initiative. 

Following the event, Reckitt Benckiser committed R1,2 million per annum over a three-year period towards the initiative.

The Department has a responsibility to ensure that girls and women are afforded the right to equal access to education opportunities, experience and employment with equal pay and promotion prospects in all spheres. Speaking during the meeting, Minister Shabangu encouraged the girls, “You dealt with the myths and stereotypes that women cannot venture into certain careers.

Do not forget where you come from, when you succeed in life you inspire many and shape lives in your communities.” Shabangu also cautioned the young against the perils of falling into temptations. “As young girls don’t be tempted by old men who pursue relationships with you for their own selfish reasons, be focussed and measured in your approach to relationships’’.

One of the students, Zama Ntozakhe, said “I appreciate the opportunity afforded to us by Techno Girls Trust and the sponsors to pursue my studies in Civil Engineering at WITS University’’.

“When you are done with your studies adopt one girl that you can mentor to become a better person. By choosing you, we are striving to create a society where boys and girls are equal and not measured on the basis of gender’’, said Minister Shabangu.

Five of the 20 young women who were able attend the meeting with the Minister are Lungile Mlambo, Refilwe Sekokodi, Langavi Marhule, Elsie Manaswe and Zamanguni Ntozakhe.

Peter Mbelengwa
Cell: 082 611 8197 

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