Minister Malusi Gigaba seek a meeting with Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba

Minister Gigaba to seek meeting with Mayor Mashaba

The Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba will seek a meeting with Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba following utterances attributed to him pertaining to foreign nationals being labeled as criminals.

Minister Gigaba views the comments as unfortunate and will brief the Mayor on government's policy and interventions in relation to the management of international migration. The Minister has repeatedly called on all leaders irrespective of their political allegiance to desist from making statements that could influence the public to adopt xenophobic attitudes.

"All of us have the responsibility to act in a manner that does not incite any hatred towards other fellow human beings irrespective of where they come from. I will seek a meeting with the Mayor precisely to brief him on a number of interventions that government has implemented in this regard," said Minister Gigaba. 

For media enquiries contact:
Mayihlome Tshwete
Cell: 072 869 2477

Thabo Mokgola 
Cell: 060 962 4982

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