Premier Supra Mahumapelo hands over house in Khunwana Village

House, security and comfort for another older person

The 89 year-old year Gaserekwe Matlabe of Khunwana village in Tswaing Local municipality officially moved from her dilapidated house which is at the verge of collapse, to a fully furniture four roomed Breaking New Ground house. This happened during the handover of her house by Premier of Bokone Bophirima, Supra Mahumapelo and MEC for Local Government and Human Settlements Galaletsang Gaolaolwe which was part of the 2016 Youth Build launch in the area.

Gaserekwe Matlabe who couldn't believe the sudden change in her life, thanked the provincial government for restoring her dignity. "I've been staying in the house for years and it was not comfortable. Insects would creep in and when harsh weathers come I would start praying that it should not collapse. I feel like flying to the heavens now that I have a better shelter", remarked Matlabe.

Premier Supra Mahumapelo said: "as government we know that we have delivered when an undisputed change has been registered in the life of an ordinary citizen especially an elderly woman like Gaserekwe Matlabe. As government we have set aside over R2 billion in this financial year for the construction of houses in the province and better life for others is coming"

Matlabe is one of many other older people who have been prioritized by the Department to receive houses in the 2016 financial year. Her house which is part of 200 Breaking New Ground units allocated to Khunwana village which will be built by young housing developers in the province.

MEC Gaolaolwe said:" as per the mandate of the department, we are hard at work to provide houses, security and comfort to our people especially elder people who have been prioritized. Older people like the younger generation also deserve to live in a better space and as the department we will make sure of that", charged MEC Gaolaolwe.

Premier Mahumapelo and MEC Gaolalwe were accompanied by other MECs and local traditional leader Motsaathebe Moshoette.

Ben Bole
Departmental Spokesperson
Cell: 071 566 1399

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