Minister Des van Rooyen briefs media on formation of councils, 2 Sept

The Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA), Honourable Des van Rooyen will brief the media – providing progress report and feedback on the following:

  1. Resolutions post the MINMEC held on that day (2 September 2016),
  2. A detailed outline and the process to be followed on the payments of gratuity to the none returning councillors
  3. The formation of councils across the country
  4. The induction of new councillors

The media are invited to attend the briefing as follows:

Date: Friday, 2 September 2016
Time: 13h30
Venue: GCIS – Hatfield (Tshedimosetso House).

Tsakani Baloyi
Cell: 082 052 0892

Legadima Leso
Cell: 083 378 9495

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