Director-General Mike Mlengana: DAFF Annual Report and Fraud

Programme Director;
Acting Chief Operations Officer of DAFF;
Deputy Directors-General of DAFF;
Members of the media;
Distinguished guests; Ladies and gentlemen;

Good morning

Welcome to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) Annual report and Fraud Awareness Programme Launch.

It gives me great pleasure to address you on this occasion when transparency and accountability are at the top of the agenda in our country.

This is an opportune time to discuss not only the financial and non-financial performance contained in our 2015/16 Annual report but also to commemorate the 2016 International Fraud Awareness Week. The International Fraud Awareness Week is commemorated annually, from 13 to 19 November.

In terms of section 65(1)(a) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations 65(2), the Annual report and the Annual Financial Statements must be tabled by the Executive Authority to Parliament by 30 September (that is within one month after the Accounting Officer received the audit report).

The primary purpose of the Annual report is to safeguard transparency and accountability with respect to government budgets and public expenditure. The Annual report also seeks to promote transparency in reporting the public revenue to stakeholders who are mainly the citizens of the Republic of South Africa, who in turn can hold government to account for the use of resources.

This can only happen when they are able to access information, which must be made publicly available.

Therefore, public participation, especially, public engagement is critical.

The National Policy Framework on Public Participation of 2007 defines public participation as “an open, accountable process through which individuals and groups within selected communities can exchange views and influence decision making.

It is further defined as a democratic process of engaging people, deciding, planning, reporting and playing an active part in the development and operation of services that affect their lives and livehoods.

It is against this background that we have decided to present the DAFF 2015/16 Annual report before you. The report will provide you with an update on the department’s financial and non-financial performance, as well as its progress on its strategic objectives.

The Annual report, which has been tabled in Parliament, reaffirms the department’s commitment to the principles of transparency, accountability, mutual respect, inclusiveness and public participation.

As mentioned earlier, we are also here to commemorate the 2016 International Fraud Awareness Week. The International Fraud Awareness Week seeks to minimise the impact of fraud by promoting anti-fraud awareness and education.

However, as DAFF, we have gone a step further and have decided to include awareness on corruption because fraud and corruption are interrelated.

In pursuit of clean and accountable administration, we need to engage and mobilise all stakeholders. This will help to elevate our efforts to fight fraud and corruption.

Rampant fraud and corruption have been identified as significant risks threatening the sustainability of public resources.

Legislation provides guidelines for all role players, including political oversight, internal audit, risk management, performance and monitoring and evaluation.

I am delighted to inform you that DAFF has taken a zero tolerance approach on fraud and corruption and does not victimise those who report it.

Today, we will be signing a Commitment Charter. This charter is a demonstration of our commitment to fight fraud and corruption.

Implementation of the commitments will be monitored by DAFF and a progress report will be provided to all the stakeholders during the gathering of this manner next year (2017).

Let us work together to combat fraud and corruption (both in the private and public sectors) and to realise the department’s commitment to the principles of transparency, accountability, mutual respect, inclusiveness, and public participation.

I thank you.

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