Deputy Minister Tandi Mahambehala on screening of Kalushi movie in East London

Deputy Minister urges students to be fearless like Kalushi

The Deputy Minister of Communications Ms Tandi Mahambehala and the Film and Publication Board held a screening of the Kalushi movie in East London. The screening was held in collaboration the Film and Publication Board (FPB).

The screening is one of the many mechanisms the FPB uses to raise awareness about content classification and the FP Act. This screening was attended by students from the University of Forte Hare, Walter Sisulu University and Buffalo City College.

“You must be fearless like Kalushi, Kalushi was fearless in the sense that he was willing to confront the ills before him, because he believed in the ideals of the organisation he belonged to, even if it would cost him his life which it ultimately did,” said Mahambehlala

Chrispin Phiri
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