Minister Blade Nzimande: G20 Education Ministerial Meeting

South African statement by Dr Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation at the G20 Education Ministerial Meeting in Bali, Indonesia

Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim, our Chair and Host;
Fellow Ministers;
Heads of Delegation;


It is great to be here after a difficult period of enduring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.  I am honour to deliver this message on behalf of the Government of the Republic of South Africa. 

South Africa fully endorses and reaffirms the commitment to achieve a more resilient, equitable, inclusive, peaceful and sustainable future through education.  

South Africa also firmly support efforts aimed at ending conflict and wars through peaceful and negotiated settlements. 

As a nation born through struggle and a negotiated transition to democracy and inspired by our great hero and world statesman, Nelson Mandela, South Africa strives to always promote peace and urge parties involved in any political conflicts and wars to make use of structures as provided by the United Nations system.

South Africa embraces the vision of the G20 on Education as contained in the theme under the Indonesia Presidency, “Recover together, recover stronger through education”. 

This vision is aligned to South Africa’s priorities and interventions set out in our country’s approach to dealing with the post-Covid 19 era, that is, we simply just do not return to pre-Covid times which is  in line with our Economic Reconstruction and Recover Plan to move forward to new heights and a new period of reconstruction and development.

It is for this reason that South Africa supports the four priority areas as set out for this meeting. It is unfortunate that we could not adopt a Ministerial Declaration on education as a result of disagreement over a matter that does not belong in this forum but rather belongs to the United Nations conflict resolution mechanisms.

We thus pledge to continue to work with the G20 and other partners to expand and deepen solidarity and international partnerships which enable the sharing of resources, experience and expertise. 

In conclusion, I want to thank Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim and the Government of Indonesia for their leadership and hospitality in convening and organising this important meeting. 

South Africa stands ready and look forward to the next phase under the leadership on the incoming Indian Presidency.
I thank you.

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