Top African former intelligence guru and author to address country’s intelligence operatives

One of Africa’s respected intelligence guru and author is in the country to give a series of lectures which will culminate in the launch of his latest book.

Mr Kofi Bentum Quantson, a retired national security coordinator of Ghana, will deliver a paper titled National Security: The African perspective, at two sessions in a symposium to be attended by the country’s Directors-General of the security cluster as well as their counterparts in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region. Quantson will also speak to senior and middle management members of the country’s intelligence services.

Having served Ghana’ security and intelligence services since 1979, he is well respected in the ECOWAS region for his contribution in the war against drugs and terrorist activities.

Department of State Security Director-General, Ambassador Mzuvukile Maqetuka said the discussions on national security from an African perspective could not have come at a better time, when the country is debating the national security matters to which the Protection of Information Bill refers as a basis for classifying certain information. “We hope to get an African perspective and engage with our SADC counterparts on the issues that are at the centre of our region’s and continents national security,” said Maqetuka.

Mr Quantson will launch his latest book, titled, “You and your security”, at Xarra bookshop in Newtown, Johannesburg, this public launch will take place on Thursday, 28 October and will commence at 17h00 for 18h00

All media is invited to attend.

Brian Dube
Cell: 082 418 3389

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