Statement by the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety on law enforcement preparations for the period 31 December and 1 January

“Enforcing order in public spaces and promoting responsible alcohol use”

The Gauteng Provincial government, municipalities in the province, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and all other law enforcement agencies, in their determination to facilitate an orderly crossover to 2010, have finalised and commenced with implementing plans to ensure that all in the province revel in peace.

Whilst the plans we are announcing today are broadly covering the entire province, we will also pay particular attention to known hotspots around this time. We wish to state categorically and upfront, that the province’s law enforcement agencies are more than ready and determined to maintain order and deal with any incidences of misdemeanour and violations of the law. We will show no tolerance for any action and behaviour that seeks to undermine tranquillity and instigates unlawful behaviour of whatever nature.

It is a well known fact that the abuse of alcohol and other substances contributes substantially to many instances of misbehaviour amongst many individuals. It is against this background that the provincial government launched, early this month, the liquor campaign to promote responsible drinking and trading in the province. We remain convinced that this campaign is an important cornerstone in our quest to impact positively on community development and the moral regeneration, amongst others, that we so desire in our communities.

The MEC for Community Safety has also had engagements with the South Africa Liquor Traders Association (SALTA) in this regard. We thus call upon all traders in the province to dispense alcohol in a responsible way, and comply with laws regulating the sale of alcohol. Alcohol must not be sold to minors, intoxicated individuals and must be sold only inside the hours prescribed by legislation.

In those areas where traders, local police stations and communities have agreed on specific trading hours to facilitate less availability of alcohol, adherence to such agreements will be crucial. Law enforcement agencies will be on hand to ensure full compliance with these conditions.

Special measures are also in place in known hotspots in the province. In the city of Johannesburg, focus will be in the Hillbrow and Johannesburg central clusters. In Tshwane, focus will be in the Sunnyside, Hatfield and the Church Square. In Ekurhuleni the area of Kathorus, Thembisa and Springs will be given attention from a crime prevention point of view. In this respect, we will increase our patrols and visibility in order to help prevent contact crimes such as assaults which tend to increase during this time.

On New Year’s Day, we will be focusing on public spaces in particular the various picnic spots such as Benoni Lake, Murray Park in Springs and Germiston Lake. We will be policing these venues to ensure public order. Further, we will monitor pubs, shebeens and other places of entertainment.

The South African Police Service, all three metropolitan police departments and the Gauteng traffic police will be out in full force to ensure order in these areas. Sections from visible policing, public order policing, reservists units and all response units will be deployed. Necessary pre-emptive and reactive steps have been planned to ensure unhindered movement in these areas by citizens.

Certain routes will be cordoned off in these areas as part of pre-emptive operations by law enforcement agencies to ensure that we are able to swiftly deal with any lawlessness. The respective metropolitan police departments will make specific announcements in this regard. Notorious and problematic buildings will be targeted to ensure that all bad elements are dealt with.

We also appeal to all communities to desist from hindering free movement in their localities. Closing of streets without permission for purposes of partying will not be tolerated and the police will dismantle any instance of a party, street bash and any other social gathering where the necessary permission has not been gathered.

We are equally concerned at the number of road accidents and fatalities that we continue to witness. I want to reassure the public that we are doing everything we can to arrest the increase. In this regard, I also wish to indicate that those who continue to endanger other road users, through drunken and reckless driving, will face the full might of the law. We have already acted against many who have been found to be driving under the influence of alcohol, against those driving recklessly on our roads. We have also discontinued a number of cars, minibuses and buses we found to be not roadworthy. We will continue and intensify these operations in a bid to ensure that we have fewer deaths on our roads.

Pedestrians continue to bedevil our efforts to save lives on the roads. Jaywalking, drunken walking contributes significantly to fatalities on our roads. Our law enforcement agencies will spare no effort in arresting and prosecuting these ill disciplined pedestrians.

Let me also take this opportunity to congratulate the efforts of all our law enforcement agencies in the province, who have sacrificed their own festive season enjoyment to promote public safety; from all those who ensure safety on our public roads, to members of the South African Police Service who have ensured that our people can enjoy their shopping experiences and festive mood in a virtually crime free environment.

To all motorists, I also wish appeal for discipline as all our operations during these two days will also be focused on drunken drivers. We would not like any individual to spend the New Year crossover behind bars. Finally, I wish all citizens in the province a peaceful and enjoyable New Year’s Eve as well as a cordial beginning of 2010. 2010 will be a year full of life and activity and it is my wish that we all enter the year refreshed and healthy.

For more information contact:
Dumisani Ngema
Tel: 011 689 3664
Cell: 082 801 0424

Issued by: Department of Community Safety, Gauteng Provincial Government
30 December 2009
Source: Department of Community Safety, Gauteng Provincial Government (


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