Response of the Department of Higher Education and Training to the press statement by the Democratic Alliance (DA)

“Democratic Alliance (DA) requests criminal investigation into allegations of illegal bugging at Tshwane University of Technology (TUT”) refers. While the Department and Minister of Higher Education and Training, Dr Blade Nzimande, welcome debates about issues of national importance, we would like to record our deep displeasure at the opportunism displayed by the Democratic Alliance on the alleged bugging and spying issue at the TUT when it was under the leadership of Professor Johnny Molefe.

The DA says, in part, that it “has received disturbing information concerning the bugging of the offices of senior management officials from the Tshwane University of Technology. Impeccable sources have informed TUT’s administrator of the installation of illegal surveillance devices in the offices of top management officials.” The DA further says in its statement that it “will be requesting a police investigation into these allegations of illegal surveillance.”

It is a well-known fact that Minister Nzimande put the institution under administration on 16 August 2011 following recommendations by Independent Assessor Dr Vincent Maphai and subsequent disturbing developments in the institution. The Minister took this decision to ensure:

1. That the credibility of TUT is restored
2. That teaching and learning are conducted under a conducive atmosphere
3. That administrative and management weaknesses identified by the Assessor are properly addressed in the interest of the institution, students, workers and management.

The department and the Minister always put the interests of teaching and learning at our institutions of higher learning ahead of everything else, since we recognise the need for skills development, economic growth and poverty alleviation. The role our institutions of higher learning play is critical in the achievement of these objectives.

We would like to point out that contrary to the impression created by the DA in its statement, the alleged bugging and surveillance of the offices of senior managers was uncovered by the administrator himself, as part of stabilising the university and ensuring proper management. We call upon the DA to refrain from any attempt at political interference in the work of TUT or any other institution of learning.

The Administrator, Professor Themba Mosia, must be given space to perform his duties without interference. The importance of this institution to the public should never be trivialised through opportunistic statements.

In conclusion, the Minister and the department would like to convey gratitude to Professor Mosia for the sterling work he is doing at the Tshwane University of Technology. In just a few weeks since he assumed office, we have witnessed excellent results emanating from his office, including the stability of the institution and the undisturbed and calm environment in which the students are receiving education.

We are pleased that in all of this, Professor Mosia is executing his work with the full support of the university’s management, student formations, worker organisations and other stakeholders of the institution. It is for this reason that we call upon the public to support him in his endeavour to stabilise the university, improve the quality of learning and teaching, as well as strengthen the administration and governance of the university.

GF Qonde
Tel: 012 312 6349

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