Premier Thandi Modise welcomes Lonmin wage settlement agreement

North West Premier Mme Thandi Modise has welcomed the wage settlement agreement reached between Lonmin and Marikana mineworkers on Tuesday as a progressive development.

“Beyond the wage settlement, parties have a responsible to rebuild trust among themselves so that the healing process assists put closure to a tragic chapter in the history of wage negotiations in the mining sector. We should never ever again be in a situation where all of us emerge as losers,” Premier Modise said emphatically.

Premier Modise urges workers to reorganise themselves within union structures for collective bargaining and thanks the South African Council of Churches and Traditional leaders for playing a significant role in resolving the conflict through mediation.

The Premier calls for support for the Judicial Commission appointed by the President to investigate the Marikana tragedy and for responsible action and conduct that will contribute towards normalising the situation and assist the healing process.

Premier Modise said that its part, province will continue to engage with relevant national government departments and mining houses for closer involvement on issue relating to implementation of Social Labour Plans, decent housing, as any conflict in the sector affects communities.

Modise appeals for calm and cessation of hostilities at other mines in the province and for engagements within the framework of the Labour Relations Act to be sped up to avoid further violent confrontations

Lesiba Moses Kgwele
Tel: 018 388 3705
Cell: 083 629 1987
Fax: 018 388 3157


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