Speaking in his capacity as the Chairperson of the ANC and Premier of the Free State Province, Ace Magashule is deeply saddened by the passing on of the iconic revolutionary, elder statesman and former President of the first free and democratic South Africa, Tata Nelson Mandela.
This founding father of the democratic South Africa was just more than a comrade to me; he touched my life and that of many freedom fighters in the most profound way. He taught us to be humble and humane in the quest of building a proud South Africa that was to become a significant player in the community of nations. He taught us to forgive and cement instruments of lasting peace by engendering a sense of pride and restoring the dignity of Africans within a non-racial global society. We have been guided by his high level of revolutionary morality. This is the legacy that he lives for us.
On behalf of the people of the Free State Province, I join President Zuma in sending our condolences to his wife, family, grand and great grandchildren. We will sorely miss this untainted Isithwalandwe. His legacy will live on and may his soul rest in peace" he said.
"There are no words that can best describe how we and the rest of the nation feel on learning of his passing on, but it is perhaps consoling that he lived for all of us and leaves behind a capable leadership that will lead this country in the way he would have done, by ensuring that we continue to build a non-racial, non-sexist, free, democratic and prosperous South Africa. We shall continue to strive for the realisation of all the ideals that he lived and eventually died upholding" he added.
For further enquiries, please contact:
Mondli Mvambi,
Cell: 078 027 4332,
E-mail:mondli.mvambi@fspremier.gov.za, mmvambi@gmail.com
Setjhaba Maphalla,
Cell: 071 302 2591,
E-mail: sk.maphalla@gmail.com