Parliament on meeting with Party Leaders

Earlier today, the Presiding Officers and party leaders in Parliament had a meeting to discuss matters that pertain to the business of Parliament. 

The meeting was necessitated by the need to create a conducive environment for the fifth democratic Parliament to conduct its business. 

There is broad agreement among the parties that the current political climate needs to be improved to enable Parliament to carry out its constitutional mandate. It was acknowledged that certain matters are currently before the courts and that those processes should be respected.

The session today took the form of an introductory meeting. The meeting agreed that a Joint Whips’ Forum should serve as a clearing house for matters that must be discussed at the next meeting of the Presiding Officers and party leaders which will take place in two weeks.

As a nation, we have overcome many challenges before. Today, we have a democratic dispensation because the people of this country made a decision to resolve matters through dialogue. The Presiding Officers wish to thank the leaders of political parties for their contributions.

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