Parliament on appointment process of Inspector General of Intelligence

 The Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence, Ms Cornelia September, wishes to express her appreciation to those people who have submitted their applications for the position of the Inspector General of Intelligence. The closing date for applications was 16 January 2015, and a number of applications have been received.

The Committee will be meeting shortly to consider the applications and will, in accordance with the Intelligence Services Oversight Act 40 of 1994 (the Act) and the Rules of the Committee, determine whether and to what extent the proceedings will be open to the public. 

Both the Act and the Rules provide that meetings of the Committee are not open to the public (including the media), unless with the permission of the Committee.  It is unfortunate that a number of people appear to have already assumed, and prematurely so, that the Committee has already resolved that the process will be a closed one. It is also unfortunate that a number of other people who are not members of the Committee have contributed to misleading the public on this matter.

The Committee will have due regard to the constitutional and legislative framework, the nature of the matter, the roles and functions of the Inspector General of Intelligence as well as all other relevant factors in its consideration of whether or not to open the proceedings (or any portion thereof) and any applicable parameters for doing so.

The Committee will also take into account that the appointment of previous Inspectors General of Intelligence have included processes that were open to the public and the media.

The Chairperson wishes to assure the members of the public who have expressed their views about the process, that the process will be conducted within the ambit of the applicable legislation as well as the Rules of Parliament and the Committee. The Committee will continue to have the highest regard for promoting the best interests of the country and protecting the rights of its citizens.

For media enquiries or interviews with the Chairperson, please contact:

Faith Kwaza
Tel: 021 403 8062
Cell: 072 122 0371

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