North West on providing lunch at public meetings

No intention to stop “free lunches” during public participation gatherings

The North West Office of the Premier has noted with serious concern the contents of an article on Sowetan of Monday, 9 March 2015 (page 9), captioned “No more free lunches”, which is viewed as sheer misquotation and misrepresentation of facts.

The article gives not just a wrong but fictitious impression that Premier Supra Obakeng Ramoeletsi Mahumapelo said in his State of the Province Address that government will no longer provide food for residents during meetings or events organised by government and that “residents must pack up their own food for the day”.

While the Office resolutely disassociates itself from the unknown negative intentions of this headline and related contents, the office wishes to put the following on record: 

  • The Provincial Government has never taken, and does not intend taking such an inhumane decision to stop providing food for the masses during gatherings initiated and called by government, be it at local or provincial level.
  • In his State of the Province Address on Friday, 6 March at Mogwase Stadium, the Premier said the Executive Council has during its recent sitting resolved to ensure that as a way of curbing administration costs in so far as catering for the Executive Council (Premier and MECs) and Senior Management (Director-General, Heads of Departments and Directors) meetings are concerned, these senior government officials will be expected to buy lunches from their own pockets.  
  • While measures to curb costs when providing catering for the masses will always be taken into consideration, government will as a matter of fact and principle, take events to villages, townships and small dorpies in order to use its procurement spend on items such as catering for the masses, to ignite entrepreneurship and support local economic development within the context of the pronounced village, township and small dorpies economic development.

To suggest that the Premier said something contrary to the above stated facts is unacceptable and devoid of the truth.

Bonolo Mohlakoana (Mrs)
Acting Provincial Head of Communication
Office of the Premier
Bokone Bophirima Province
Tel: 018 388 4390
Cell: 082 901 2435


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