Mohono encourages pensioned employees to volunteer their services

North West MEC for Human Settlements Desbo Mohono has encouraged her departmental employees who are already on pension and those who are about to go on retirement to volunteer their services and participate in the reconstruction and development of our country and province.

Mohono who was speaking during the departmental recognition of long service awards here in Mafikeng said the skills they acquired and the experience they gained should stand in good stead as they interact with their community members.

“Remember that your communities require your experience and like our former President Mr Mandela, go on and become beacons of hope to the masses,” said Mohono.

She acknowledged and commended awards receiving employees for their hard work and contribution towards the achievement of a more service delivery driven Public Service.

“Your service delivery enhanced and still continues to enhance the ethos of Batho Pele Principles and the adage of ‘I Belong, I Care, and I Serve.”

“For those who are still in the public sector, I trust that you will continue to serve the people of this province and country at large in the same manner which has now awarded you this special recognition which I know that many wish to receive one day,” she concluded.

MEC Mohono awarded 18 departmental employees in three different categories. The first category was for 10 employees who have served for 20 years and five of those who have served for 30 years in the department. The third category was for three employees who have 30 years until they reached retirement age.

Cornelius Tanana Monama
Cell: 082 578 4063


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