Minister of Communications General Siphiwe Nyanda leads a government delegation to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference

Communications Minister General Siphiwe Nyanda is leading a delegation of the Department of Communications to the International Trade Union’s 18th Plenipotentiary Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico from 4 to 12 October 2010.

The plenipotentiary conference is the top policy making body of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and meets every four years.

The conference sets the union's general policies and adopts five year strategic and financial plans.

As part of the mandate of the Department of Communications, information and communications technology (ICT) policies and legislation have to be developed to create conditions for an accelerated and shared growth of the South African economy, also to fulfill South Africa's continental and international responsibilities in the field of ICT.

The delegation will participate in six steering committees and working groups. The Minister of Communication as the member of state is going to discuss the future role of the organisation, thereby determining the organisation's ability to influence and affect the development of information and communication technologies.

The sector members, regional and telecommunication and intergovernmental organisations and the United Nations will be attending the event and will be giving input regarding ICTs globally.

Members of the delegation will attend meetings for the duration of three weeks and to participate in high level discussions and debates on the work of the ITU. The following compulsory meetings will be attended by the Department of Communications delegation:

  • Steering Committee to coordinate matters connected with the smooth execution of work to plan the order and number of meetings
  • Credentials Committee to verify credentials of delegates and to report on its conclusions to the plenary meeting
  • Budget Control Committee to determine the organisation and the facilities available to the delegates, to examine and approve
  • Editorial Committee to form the texts in the final acts of the conference
  • Policy, Reform and Legal Matters Committee to consider reports and proposals related to policy matters and reform of the union
  • Administration and Management Committee to examine relevant report and proposals on the general management of the union, in particular to relevant financial and human resources reports submitted by other committees and working groups

The Department of Communications is honoured to take part in this magnanimous conference and to draw knowledge from world class technological citizens. Most importantly this gathering provides a discussion platform for all Member States to exchange views and plans that relate not only on ICT policy and regulations; but also to share practical implementation of infrastructure for rural communities, development of applications for health, education, climate change, etc.

The Department of Communications main contribution to the ITU PP 2010 will include topics such as climate change, interoperability and conformance, cyber security and ICT support and access for people with disability.

One of the key objectives is for South Africa to be nominated into the ITU Council. Nominations will take place on 11 October 2010.

For more information contact:
Tiyani Rikhotso
Cell: 083 800 9936

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