Joint media statement by Human Settlement Minister Tokyo Sexwale and Western Cape Premier Helen Zille on the N2 Gateway Project

We met today, in the spirit of cooperative governance, to discuss ways of removing obstacles to the continued development of the N2 Gateway and other housing projects in the province, in particular, the transfer of land from provincial to national government.

Our discussions can be described as a meeting of minds. They were candid and aimed at finding a win-win solution. We both recognise there are obstacles which require joint solutions to ensure the speedy delivery of housing to people of the Western Cape. A framework has been agreed upon for taking our discussions forward.

We both emphasised the need to work within the framework of the Constitution and the law in order to avoid further delays. In particular, we both agree on the need to avoid a protracted legal battle or lengthy inter-governmental discussions.

The Premier, on the basis of legal opinion she has received, contends that the land transfer was unlawful, and has put her case to Minister Sexwale. She was clear that this matter needs to be resolved for the three spheres of government to take the matter forward.

The Minister has agreed to obtain his own legal opinion on the matter. This will be studied and a recommendation will be made to Cabinet as soon as possible, in the form of a Cabinet memorandum.

Chris Vick
Special advisor to Human Settlement Minister, Tokyo Sexwale
Cell: 083 556 7644

Robert Macdonald
Premier's spokesperson
Cell: 084 977 9888

Issued by: Department of Human Settlement
7 August 2009

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