Intra-Trade and collaboration can assist solve infrastructural challenges in Africa - Ambassador Mphakama Mbete

Intra-trade and collaboration with key industries in Brazil can assist in infrastructural challenges currently facing Africa. This was said by the Ambassador of South Africa to Brazil, Mr Mphakama Mbete at the Business Partnership and Opportunity seminar hosted by the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais (FIEMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil this week.
The seminar was attended by the South African and Brazilian business people. 
"Africa currently faces a big challenge in infrastructure development in all sectors, particularly road, rails and ports. It is in our power as a continent to build and revitalise an integrated African economy to take on major key economies for trade and investment," said Mbete.
He also said while it is important for South Africa to collaborate with Brazil in key projects, the focus should be on areas where there is mutual benefits for both countries. 
"Brazil has been, and will always be a strategic partner for South Africa in trade and investment. Both countries have a special interest to improve the lives of their people," added Mbete.
Head of Communication and Marketing at the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti), Mr Clement Manoko said the Investment and Trade Initiatives (ITIs) that have been undertaken by the department to Brazil were not just talk-shows but have proven to be effective.

"These ITIs have resulted in a joint venture between Airports Company of South Africa and a Brazilian consortium, Invepar. This translated into a huge investment of R75 billion that involves the management and operation of the Brazilian international airport, Guarulhos," said Manoko.
He added that the ITIs were a key instrument that the South African government had developed to take companies to strategic partner countries.
"We believe initiatives such as the ITI could contribute to delivering mutual benefits and tangible results, ultimately supporting the expansion of Brazil and South Africa’s trade and investment relationship," concluded Manoko. 
Sidwell Medupe, Departmental Spokesperson 
Cell: 079 492 1774
Tel: 012 394 1650
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