International Relations Portfolio Committee sends condolences

Committee statement on the passing away of the Palestinian Ambassador to South Africa, American Ambassador to Libya and deaths of South African nationals in Kabul, Afghanistan.

In its meeting of 19 September 2012, the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation expressed shock and sadness at the passing on of Ambassador of the State of Palestine to South Africa, Ambassador Ali Halimeh. The Committee observed a moment of silence as a show of respect to the departed.

The Committee remembered recent three meetings on the situation in the Middle East, in which it was honoured by the presence of the late Ambassador Halimeh. He was remembered as a resolute diplomat passionate about the Palestinian cause.

The Committee expressed its condolences to the people of Palestine, the family of the Ambassador and people of goodwill.

The Committee also observed a moment of silence for the passing away of the American Ambassador to Libya, following his killing in Benghazi.

It joined a chorus of condemnation of the perpetrators and an armed mob which attacked and set fire to the American consulate building in Benghazi Libya, killing the US Ambassador among others.

Terrorist activities, for whatever claims, are condemned in the strongest terms. The Committee expressed condolences to the families of the deceased and the American people for this loss.

It further observed a moment of silence for the passing on of South African nationals in Afghanistan. It joined the global condemnation of the perpetrators of a suicide bombing that claimed the lives of 12 people including eight South Africans in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday, 18 September 2012.

The Committee expressed its sincere condolences to the bereaved families, friends and co-workers of the deceased.

Terrorist activities for whatever claimed reasons have no place in the world today, the Committee condemns them in strongest terms.

For media enquiries or interviews with the Chairperson, Mr Tisetso Magama, please contact:
Temba Gubula
Cell: 078 735 8809
Phone: 021 403 8307

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