Defence and Military Veterans Minister, Lindiwe Sisulu on the passing of the Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba: General Julio Casas Regueiro

The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Ms LN Sisulu has learnt with shock and dismay of the passing on of General Julio Casas Regueiro, the Minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba. He was one of those great Cuban Revolutionaries who was prepared to die to sacrifice all for the Cuban revolution.

Our history with that of the Cuban people and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba span decades before our own liberation, and have been since our struggle for the liberation of South Africa. This association between the two countries and defence forces has grown from strength to strength because of people like General Regueiro who contributed not only to the liberation of our country but the establishment of a new defence force for a democratic South Africa.

The contribution made by people like General Regueiro in shaping the formation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) in a new democratic state is so immense that it cannot be described. We are indebted to General Regueiro.

History will not forgive if we forget the critical role played by the Cuban people and its combatants in ensuring that South Africa attains its freedom and democracy. Having freed our people from the clutches of apartheid and colonialism, it is now expected of us to free them from amongst others, the clutches of poverty, disease and crime.

General Regueiro who died on Saturday from a heart-attack would have visited South Africa later this month. This would have further strengthened our relations and even more important to sign a significant agreement between our two defence forces which would have been yet another milestone in our longstanding relationship.

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba are not the only ones who have lost a great leader in General Regueiro but the South African National Defence Force with which he had an affinity. He was particularly interested in the progress being made by the SANDF in many aspects as it consolidates itself into a highly trained and professional force.

We often do not say enough about the great contributions and sacrifices made by people of General Reguiero. You have been so much a part of what makes this nation great and its defence force. You have our undying gratitude. Words seem so inadequate to express my profound sadness for our loss. I only hope we can find a small bit of comfort in knowing that we will never forget the sacrifice you have made.

Siphiwe Dlamini
Cell: 083 645 4294

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