Conservational Agriculture (CA) certificates

The Department Agriculture and Rural Development is committed to empower its extension and advisory officials in order to be knowledgeable in the new technologies used in agriculture.

Recently, 20 extension officers received certificates on Conservational Agriculture (CA) from Fort Hare University where General Manager Human Resource and Institutional Capacitation Nomakaya Stemele vowed to visit them on the field.

Ms Stemele stressed that it was essential for the officers to practice what they have learnt, adding that they should inform their supervisors that CA should be part of their Annual Performance Plan (APP). "Take CA serious.

"I hope you will make us proud. Make my crying and complaining (to top management) when I want to get funds for training be a good effort.
"Be of good assistance to farmers, educate them and put your knowledge into good use in a bid to make Eastern Cape green," said Stemele.

Since 2007/08 at least 20 managers have been trained in CA while more than 40 extension and advisory officials have been trained. Roger Ellis, facilitator of the training said CA in the province would not have future if the department was not involved and he was adamant that CA would make difference in the lives of the people.

He said CA was acclaimed internationally as an answer to the current food costs and fuel costs, the method does not use tractors and it curbs the costs of tilling land. Through the Conservational Agriculture Thrust (CAT) led by Professor Jan Raats that the Eastern Cape is leading in the country by introducing and applying the CA technology, which is practiced mostly by second economy farmers.

CA is a method that has minimum soil disturbance, using implements that help in minimising soil erosion. Extension officer Thandazwa Komsana told the gathering that she was one of the people who were sceptical and negative about CA but after the course she fully supported the initiative. Komsana said farmers in Sterkpruit area where she works were now enthusiastic about the programme and they wanted to practice CA in their fields.

For more information contact:
Thozi Manyisana
Cell: 073 2633 754

Yvonne Matsheketwa
Cell: 078 218 7370

Issued by: Department Agriculture and Rural Development, Eastern Cape Provincial Government
15 June 2009


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