Minister Edna Molewa attends International Conference on Living with World Heritage in Africa

The Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Ms Edna Molewa will attend the International Conference on “Living with World Heritage in Africa” from the 26-29 September 2012, at Kopanong Conference Centre, Benoni.

The conference will bring together high-level decision makers from African governments, heritage institutions, local communities (people who live around World Heritage Sites) and developments sectors. Through this conference, delegates will join their efforts to develop solutions to ensure the future of both World Heritage and sustainable development in Africa.

Topics such as how to unlock natural resources that will boost economic growth and create jobs in the African continent while at the same time maintaining World Heritage Sites will be discussed. This means while Africa and specifically local communities embrace the maintenance and preservation of World Heritage Sites, they should not lose opportunities to beneficiate for instance, mineral resources available in their areas and infrastructure development required to improve the quality of life.

There is a need for co-existence and understanding between the needs of local economies, governments, private sector entities and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites management and conservation standards.

Details of the opening event are as follows:
Date: 26 September 2012
Time: 9h30
Venue: Kopanong Conference Centre, Benoni, Gauteng

Media RSVP:
Nwabisa Tsengiwe
Cell: 074 605 6149

Media enquiries:
Moses Rannditsheni
Tel: 012 310 3901
Cell: 082 448 2450

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