MEC Mohono to table Human Settlements budget vote

North West MEC for Human Settlements, Desbo Mohono, will table her departmental Budget Speech on Thursday, 3 June at the provincial legislature in Mafikeng.

In her address, Mohono is expected to outline the extent to which the objective of improving housing delivery in the province has been achieved as well as the challenges that confront the department in this critical task. In the context of a paradigm shift from "housing" to "human settlements", the MEC will seek to ensure public understanding of the priorities and the policy environment in which the department is operating.

MEC Mohono is expected to make a clarion call to the people of the North West to join hands with the department to ensure that the goal of providing sustainable human settlements that improve the quality of life for all its citizens becomes a reality.

Consistent with the commitment made by the North West Premier Maureen Modiselle in her State of the Province Address, Mohono will commit her department to clear and specific targets to be delivered during this financial year.

Members of the media are invited to be part of the event, which will be held as follows:

Date: 3 June 2010
Venue: North West provincial legislature
Time: To be confirmed (however, indications are that it will be in the afternoon after 14h00)

NB: Those who need accommodation are requested to contact the following person by Friday 28 May 2010 before end of business:

Rebaone Moeng
Cell: 073 5011 345
Tel: 018 391 0424

Cornelius Tanana Monama
Cell: 082 578 4063
Tel: 018 391 0420


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