Premier Thandi Modise hands over school shoes in Taung, 23 Jan

North West Premier Thandi Modise and MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Desbo Mohono to handover school shoes and food garden to rural learners in Taung

Over five hundred learners from Kokomeng Primary Schools in Taung are to receive school shoes from North West Premier Thandi Modise and MEC for Agriculture and Rural Development Desbo Mohono at 09h00 today.

The intervention is part of government’s War on Poverty Campaign being implemented across the province to fight poverty and reduce social and economic infrastructure backlogs in rural communities.

The anti-poverty strategy builds on the work of government since 1994 and seeks to change the trajectory of government’s anti-poverty initiatives. Its main objective is to reduce the incidence of poverty.

Central to this resolve is the ending of inter-generational poverty through improving the economic situation of households. Members of the media are invited to cover the event which includes the handover of a food garden to Seabo High School.

Lesiba Moses Kgwele, Spokesperson
Cell: 083 629 1987
Tel: 018 388 3705
Fax: 018 388 3157

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