Nat Nakasa reburial preparations on track

Final preparations for the reburial ceremony of iconic journalist and writer, Nathaniel Ndazana “Nat” Nakasa are well on track. Nakasa will be buried at Heroes Acre Cemetery, in Chesterville in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Province. Organisers and family members are working around the clock to make sure that Nakasa’s final send-off is special. Various activations have been held in honour of Nat Nakasa with some currently underway. On Thursday, 11 September 2014, an ecumenical church service will be held at Chesterville Community Hall, starting at 9h00

The Nat Nakasa Inaugural Lecture will take place at Moses Mabhida Stadium mixed Zone, on Friday, 12 September 2014 starting at 18h00. The lecture will be delivered former Press Ombudsman Joe Thloloe. There will also be a discussion by former friends and colleagues of Nat Nakasa Prof. Keorapetse Kgositsile and Dr. Peter Magubane which will be facilitated by respected Mary Papayya. The National Minister of Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa will also announce the winners of the essay and debate competitions, a joint initiative of Drum Magazine and the Department of Arts and Culture at the same event.

On Saturday, 13 September 2014, Nat Nakasa’s Civic Reburial ceremony will take place at the Durban City Hall, starting at 9h00. Guests and members of the media must be registered and seated by 8h30. The private reburial attended only by invited guests will take place at Heroes Acre, Chesterville Cemetery Saturday afternoon. Traffic and security authorities have indicated that traffic flow in the City of Durban will be affected from the morning until in the afternoon.

Nat Nakasa was a prominent journalist born in Durban in 1937. He left South Africa on a one-way exit permit in 1964 to study as a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. He died tragically in New York in 1965. His mortal remains were brought back to South Africa on 19 August 2014, fifty years since he left home and twenty years into South Africa’s democracy.

To RSVP for any of the events and for media queries contact:
Vuyo Ndlovu
Tel: 031 311 4838

Mack Lewele
Cell: 082 450 5076

For comments:
Sandile Memela
Cell: 082 800 3750 (Minister Nathi Mthethwa Spokesperson)

Thabo Mofokeng (eThekwini Municipality Spokesperson)
Cell: 082 731 7456

Ndabezinhle Sibiya (KZN Premier Spokesperson)
Cell: 082 375 4742

Draft itinerary for Nat Nakasa reburial
13 September 2014

The Nat Nakasa Reburial will be implemented in 4 Phases
1st Phase: 08h30-09h50: Pre Reburial Activities in Chesterville (Funeral Procession)
09h00-10h00: Guests Arrival at Durban City Hall (Praise and Warship)

2nd Phase: 10h20-11h40: The Reburial Formal Proceedings
1 11h45 - 12h25: The Spiritual Session

3rd Phase: The Reburial at Chesterville, Heroes Acre Cemetery
4th Phase: Lunch

Pre-Reburial Activities: City Hall Durban
09h00-09h30: Guests arrival, Praise and Worship
10h00   All guests to be seated for the reburial formal proceedings

Pre Reburial Activities: Chesterville Durban, KZN

  • 08h00  Coffin arrives at the Nakasa residence in Chesterville.
    House 572 Road 11, Chesterville
  • 09h00  President arrives at the Nakasa family residence in Chesterville.
    Praise and Worship
  • 09h10  The President to depart Chesterville for Durban City Hall

The Funeral Procession

  • 09h15 The funeral procession departs from Nakasa Residence in Chesterville on Road 11, to road 12 and stop at the home of AWG Champion, best friend and mentor to Nat Nakasa. (Interview with the Champions daughter)
  • 09h25 Proceed to Chesterville Government Secondary School where Nat got his junior certificate.  The Principal to welcome the family and learners to render a cultural item
  • 09h30 Proceed to Muizenot Lower Primary School. The Principal to welcome the family and the learner to speak about the significance of Nat Nakasa`s homecoming
  • 09h40   Depart Muizenot for City Hall Durban
  • 09h50  Arrival of the coffin in Durban City Hall

Draft programme for Nat Nakasa Reburial: City Hall Durban
13 September 2014

Programme Director: The Minister, Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa

  • 10h20 Acknowledgment of the President
  • 10h25   Opening remarks by the Programme Director
  • 10h30  Singing of the National Anthem led by the Choir
  • 10h35  Welcome by the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Mr ES Mchunu,
  • 10h40  Statement by the family representative, Dr S Masondo
  • 10h45   Statement by family friend, Mr D Mkhwanazi
  • 10h50  Musical item
  • 10h55 Introduction of the President by the Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr N Mthethwa
  • 11h00 Key note address by the President of the Republic of South Africa, HE JG Zuma
  • 11h40  Musical item

Spiritual session

  • 11h45: Obituary by reverend Nakasa
  • 11h50: Spiritual significance of the occasion/social cohesion by Pastor O Hletha
  • 11h55: Praise and worship
  • 12h00: Sermon by Pastor V Nkomonde
  • 12h20: Vote of thanks by the Mayor eThekwini Municipality, His Worship Cllr J Nxumalo
  • 12h25: Departure to the grave: Heroes Acre Cemetery in Chesterville
  • 12h45: The Reburial
  • 14h30: Lunch
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