Gauteng Legislature tables 2014/15 annual reports, 9 to 13 Nov

As part of implementing the Gauteng Provincial Legislature’s (GPL) oversight and public participation mandates, Portfolio Committees are currently scrutinising the performance of Gauteng Government departments for the 2014/2015 financial year. During this time Portfolio Committees review the annual reports of Provincial Government departments, which highlight the actual performance realised against annual targets.

When interrogating reports Committees make use of tools and methodologies that have been adopted by the South African Legislative Sector to ensure that legislative oversight is effective. These include the Sector Oversight Model (SOM), SMART principles, the Budget Cycle Model and the Programme Evaluation and Budget Analysis (PEBA) model.

The assessment of annual reports begins with the presentation of an analysis by a GPL Researcher, which interrogates each programme priority set by a department. The process involves Members of the Executive Council (MECs) and Heads of Departments who must account for performance. Upon conclusion of assessments, Chairpersons of Portfolio Committees of the Legislature table their considerations to the House for debate.

As part of GPL’s efforts to ‘Take the Legislature to the People’, Portfolio Committees are also scheduling public meetings in various communities around the Province – affording the people of Gauteng a platform to give input on performance reports given by departments. As service recipients to whom provincial departments must account for service delivery, it is crucial that the people of Gauteng are allowed a platform to participate meaningfully in the assessment of annual reports.

GPL Committees have scheduled annual reports meetings as follows:

Week 2 GPL Committees Annual Report Meetings From 9th till 13th [ PDF]

For more information or interview queries, please contact:
Pfano Bulasigobo
Tel: 011 498 6381
Cell: 060 533 1982

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