Debates on budget votes: Photo opportunities

A number of Extended Public Committees dealing with budget votes begin on Tuesday, 15 July 2014. Extended Public Committees are mini-sittings of the National Assembly and the same rules apply to recording proceedings.

These rules are as follows:

1. No filming is allowed by outside videographers. Film and sound footage i.e. live feeds may be obtained from Parliament's Broadcasting and AV Support Unit. Broadcasters can apply for a live feed through the Media Management Unit. Please apply at least one day ahead of the sitting you wish to cover.
2. Permission must be sought to photograph proceedings. Photographers can apply to the Media Management Unit. Please apply at least one day ahead of the sitting you wish to photograph.
3. Photographers granted permission to take photographs of proceedings may not use a flash or tripod, may not allow their lenses to protrude over the balcony and must be as unobtrusive as possible.
4. Photographers granted permission must follow instructions from Media Management Unit and Parliament Protection Services officials.
5. Photographers must wear a media bib for the duration of their stay.
6. Photographers seeking permission to photograph proceedings must have been commissioned to do so by a media organisation.

Media wishing to photograph during any of the Extended Public Committees should please forward details (name, ID/Pass number, title) to the following officials not later than the day you wish to photograph:

Mlindi Mpindi
Tel: 021 403 2340
Cell: 073 197 1315

Nolizwi Magwagwa
Tel: 021- 403 2465
Cell: 083 313 1323

Media wishing to obtain live feeds or to broadcast from the Parliamentary precinct should also provide: Make of vehicle(s), registration number(s), number(s) of vehicles, other equipment and time of arrival.

Details of extended public committees are as follows (Note that programme is subject to change without prior notification, please check Parliamentary website ( ) daily for any changes that may apply):

Tuesday, 15 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
10h00 – 12h25 Debate on Vote 4: Home Affairs (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 38: Water Affairs (E249, National Assembly Building)
14h00 – 16h25 Debate on Vote 31: Human Settlements (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 15: Basic Education (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 24: Justice and Constitutional Development (Good Hope Chamber)
16h35 – 19h00 Debate on Vote 18: Labour (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 32: Mineral Resources (E249, National Assembly Building)
19h10 – 21h15 Debate on Vote 37: Transport (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 9: Government Communications and Information Systems (E249, National Assembly Building)

Wednesday, 16 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
10h00 – 12h25 Debate on Vote 21: Correctional Services (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 8: Women, Children and People with Disabilities (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 19: Social Development (Good Hope Chamber)
14h00 – 16h25 Debate on Vote 35: Tourism (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 27: Communications (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 7: Public Works (Good Hope Chamber)
16h35 – 19h00 Debate on Vote 26: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Old Assembly Chamber)

Thursday, 17 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
14h00 – 16h25 Debate on Vote 30: Environmental Affairs (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 12: Public Service and Administration (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 14: Arts and Culture (Good Hope Chamber)
16h35 – 19h00 Debate on Vote 20: Sport and Recreation South Africa (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 3: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (E249, National Assembly Building)
19h10 – 21h15 Debate on Vote 33: Rural Development and Land Reform (Old Assembly Chamber)

Monday, 21 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
10h00 – 12h25 Debate on Vote 25 & 23: Police (including IPID) (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 10: National Treasury (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 29: Energy (Good Hope Chamber)
14h00 – 16h25 Debate on Vote 6 & 13: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation & Statistics South Africa (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 10: National Treasury (State Security) (E249, National Assembly Building)

Tuesday, 22 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
10:00 – 12:25 Debate on Vote 28: Economic Development (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 34: Science and Technology (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 17: Higher Education and Training (Good Hope Chamber)
14h00 – ±17h45 Plenary
Debate on Vote No 2: Parliament (National Assembly Chamber)
Extended Public Committees: (145)
18h10– 20h15 Debate on Vote 36: Trade and industry (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 5: International Relations and Cooperation (Good Hope Chamber)

Wednesday, 23 July
Extended Public Committees: (145)
10h00 – 12h25 Debate on Vote 22: Defence and Military Veterans (Old Assembly Chamber)
Debate on Vote 11: Public Enterprises (E249, National Assembly Building)
Debate on Vote 16: Health (Good Hope Chamber)
14h00 – ±19h00 Plenary
Debate on Vote No 1: Presidency (National Assembly Chamber)

Thursday, 24 July
14h00 – ±15h00 Plenary
Resumption of debate on Vote No 1: The Presidency (Reply by President) (National Assembly Chamber)

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