Employment and Labour hosts seminar on impact of climate change on the Occupational Health and Safety at work in the agricultural sector, 24 May

The Inspection and Enforcement Services Unit of the Department of Employment and Labour in the North West Province will host a seminar on the impact of climate change on the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) at the work place in the Agricultural Sector.

The seminar aims to shed some light on the intersection of climate change and workplace safety, explore emerging risks, and discuss the necessary mitigation strategies as well as adaptation measures to protect workers amidst environmental changes in the sector.

The session will he held as follows:
Date   : Friday, 24 May 2024
Time   : 09H00 – 13H00 
Venue : Scotts Manor Guesthouse, Lichtenburg, 21 Bree Street, Retiefs Park

The media is invited to attend and cover the event.

For RSVP and media inquiries, kindly contact:
Botsang Huma
Provincial Communication Officer: North West 
082 497 7438/ botsang.huma@labour.gov.za

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