Skills development


Government and business are working together to provide Learnerships to unemployed young people. Training is conducted within the working environment. It provides both a theoretical base and practical experience.

The main aimis that once a young person qualifies from the Learnership programme, he or she is equipped with the skills they need to find permanent employment.

There are various Sector Education and Training Authorities that offfer learnerships in the different sectors of our economy.

Contact the Department of Labour: 1020 or 309 5136
More information on learnerships

Kgabane Project

Kgabane is a rural development project that gives indigenous crafters and emerging jewellers from poor communities the chance to participate in the mainstream of the precious metal jewellery industry.

The Kgabane Project offer two types of training, through the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA): a skills programme in rural jewellery, and a level 2 and 3 jewellery learnership.

Both courses include business skills. After completion of the course, trainee receive a MQA certificate, and are set up with necessary equipment so that they can establish businesses. This programme benefits unemployed women, the youth and the disabled in rural impoverished communities.

Contact the Department of Minerals and Energy: 011 709 4034/4403

Innovation Fund

Innovation is key to continued ecnomic growth. Without innovation, there can be no new products or services. The Innovation Fund helps fund new and viable product ideas and services which lead to the established of new enterprises. By doing so, economic competitivenesswill be promoted, which will ultimately benefit all South Africans.

Contact the Department of Science and Technology: (012) 481 4000

Tshumisano Programme

This programme provides technical and financial support to technology stations which are based in technikons. These stations in turn offer technology solutions, services and training to existing SMMEs.

Contact the Department of Science and Technology: 012 430 2886

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