Finding a job

For every job available, you will always have to compete with other job-seekers. The information on these pages should help you to find a job, prepare you for the interview and for starting the job.

Government vacancies - This page provides links to vacancies in the South African Government.

Job hunting

The Department of Labour provides guidelines on applying for a job:

Curriculum Vitae - Your CV gives an employer a sense of what you can do and what experience you have.

The interview - The job interview give you the chance to convince your potential new employer that are the right person for the job.

Starting your own business - Not finding a job may not be such a bad thing if you can start you own business.

FAQs on employment

In the workplace

The Department of Labour has information you need to know once your start working:

More job opportunities

Are you looking for a job, but don’t know where to start?

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