South African Police Service
In a case of domestic violence or sexual assault, the South African Police Service will help you find:
- medical attention;
- shelter
- victim counselling.
SAPS emergency number: 10111
People Opposed to Woman Abuse (Powa)
Powa provides counselling, both over the phone and in person, temporary shelter for and legal help to women who have experienced violence.
- Website:
- Tel: 011 642 4345
- E-mail:
- Social media: Facebook and Twitter
Childline South Africa
This non-profit organisation helps abused children and their families with a free counselling service. It deals with issues such as physical and sexual abuse, substance abuse, behavioural problems and trafficking, and gives legal advice.
- Website:
- Toll-free helpline: 116
- E-mail:
- Social media: Facebook and Twitter
Child Welfare South Africa
Child Welfare South Africa focuses on child protection, child care and family development. Neglect and child abuse can also be reported.
- Website:
- Tel: 074 080 8315
- E-mail:
- Social media: Facebook and Twitter
Families South Africa (Famsa)
Famsa provides counselling and education to help improve marriages and families. It helps in cases of domestic violence and trauma, divorces and mediation. There are 27 offices across the country.
- Website:
- Tel: 011 975 7106/7
Tears Foundation
TEARS Foundation provides access to crisis intervention, advocacy, counselling, and prevention education services for those impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault and child sexual abuse.
- Website:
- Free SMS helpline: *134*7355#
- Tel: 010 590 5920
- Email:
- Social media: Facebook and Twitter
The Trauma Centre
The Trauma Centre provides trauma counselling and violence prevention services for people affected by violence
- Website:
- Tel: 021 465 7373
- E-mail:
- Social media: Facebook and Twitter
Thuthuzela Care Centres
Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCCs) are one-stop facilities that have been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s anti-rape strategy, aiming to reduce secondary victimisation and to build a case ready for successful prosecution. The website also provides access to information on gender-based violence.
List of organisations in the Western Cape
SAPS Emergency
Gender-Based Violence Command Centre
0800 428 428
STOP Gender Violence Helpline
0800 150 150/ *120*7867#
Halt Elder Abuse Line (Heal) – helpline for elderly people
Helpline: 0800 003 081
Human Trafficking helpline
08000 737 283 (08000 rescue) / 082 455 3664