Premier Supra Mahumapelo applauds President Jacob Zuma’s recent cabinet reshuffle

North West Premier Supra Mahumapelo has applauded the recent appointments of Pravin Gordhan as Finance Minister and David van Rooyen as Minister of Cooperative Governance. 

Mahumapelo told over five thousand people gathered in Pella for the commemoration of the Provincial Reconciliation, Healing and Renewal Programme yesterday that he believed both newly appointed ministers were equal to the task. 

He said President Jacob Zuma, as the president of the country, has a legitimate authority to make decisions for the greater good of the country and that includes the appointment of ministers. 

“Mr Van Rooyen has an impeccable track record having previously served on Parliament’s portfolio committee on finance; he was the mayor of Merafong municipality; he was an MK member and he is also well educated with three academic degrees. Mr Gordhan is a veteran politician and experienced minister, and we are going to support them.”

Mahumapelo also took time to share his wisdom on the qualities and core values of good leadership. He said leaders must have courage to act and take a stand in the face of adversity for the common good of the public they represent. 

“As a leader you must know that you will face criticism and that not everyone will agree with you.  People will go to the media trying to tarnish your name, but like Jesus Christ you must not take it personal. You must be patient and respect others regardless of differences.  Don’t compete with capricious emotions of those who differ with you.  As a leader jy moet altyd saak—you must always be humble,” said Mahumapelo.

Mahumapelo said his administration will continue to pursue the implementation of the National Development Plan through well-thought-out approaches such as RRR (Rebranding, Repositioning and Renewal) of the province, ACT (Agriculture, Culture and Tourism), VTSD (Villages, Townships and Small Dorpies), RHR (Reconciliation, Healing & Renewal), Bua le Puso and Setsokotsane. 

The RHR Programme was launched in Marikana last year and is commemorated annually on December 16, with a view to bring citizens together for them to reconcile, heal past wounds and join hands in the Rebranding, Repositioning and Renewal of the Province. 

For enquiries, contact:
Mr Brian Setswambung
Acting Provincial Head of Communication
Cell: 084 702 4501 / 076 012 4501


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