MEC Martha Bartlett: Northern Cape Education Prov Budget Vote 2017/18

Speech by the Honourable MEC For Education, Ms. Martha Bartlett, on the occasion of the 2017/18 Budget Vote 4 at the Provincial Legislature, Kimberley, Northern Cape Province Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Honourable Speaker and Deputy Speaker
Premier of our Province, Ms Sylvia Lucas
Honourable Members of the Executive Council
Honourable Members of the Provincial Legislature
Members of the Traditional House;
Executive Mayors and Speakers of District and Local
The Head of the Department and senior officials of Government
Leaders and representatives of the Organised TeachingProfession
Veterans of our beloved movement
Representatives of the Governing party and Alliance
structures and other political parties
Representatives from various media houses
Communities tuned in through your Local Community Radio Stations
Distinguished guests
Ladies and gentlemen
Comrades and friends

Honourable Speaker, we annually gather here to outline and inform this august house through this policy statement, the Education Plan our ANC led Government has for this financial year.Taking into account what our society, especially our learners need now and for the future, this policy statement will definitely seek to inspire hope, confidence and trust in our Northern Cape Provincial Government.

The Northern Cape Department of Education will rise to the occasion.

The  painful history in South Africa reminds us all here today of our sacrifices, families torn  apart, individuals isolated from the society, promising futures destroyed, discrimination, oppression, inhumane living  conditions and an education system not accessible to all.

Out of this unforgettable era, liberation heroes and heroines were born, who fought for those without a voice, human rights and became victims of the system of apartheid.
We remember these unsung heroes and heroines, as we continue to give effect to their ideals through our plans and vision for Education.   

It is therefore  no coincidence that the year 2017 has been declared, “The year of OR Tambo”. Comrade OR Tambo was resolute that all our actions must be inspired exclusively by a desire to serve the people.

The principles, practices and  style  of  leadership of Comrade OR Tambo enabled the ANC to emerge as the vehicle through which we achieved the democratic breakthrough of 1994.

We are inspired by the great intellect of Comrade OR Tambo and celebrate his life by appreciating the importance of mathematics and science. It should be mentioned, that he was barred from  studying his first career choice, medicine, due to the discriminatory laws of apartheid.

It is these injustices of the past, which propelled him and so many others to unite and bring about change in 1994 in South Africa. Full speech [PDF]


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